Погода и ветры

What weather and winds to expect in Croatia?

The most frequently occurring winds in the Adriatic are well known to mariners. They include the Bura (cyclonic and anticyclonic), the Jugo south wind (cyclonic and anticyclonic), the Lebic, the maestral, the Levan, Pulentada, Tramontana and Burin.
These winds all have characteristics that you will find in better pilot guides. Today no responsible mariner would set sail without listening to the weather forecast.
The Hydrological and Meteorological Service broadcasts shipping forecasts via coastguard stations, with 24—hour information about the weather, the situation in the Adriatic, and the strait of Otranto by region (northern, central and southern Adriatic).
The forecast is broadcast three times a day in Croatian and in English by coastal stations, Radio Rijeka, Radio Split, and Radio Dubrovnik, and refers to the two following 12 hour periods from the time of broadcast.
Radio weather forecasts and radio announcements are now broadcast at the same by all three coastal radio stations (0545, 1245, 1945 UTC). There is a new way of broadcasting regular meteorological warnings about gales, sea state, or fog. These are broadcast immediately on reception, during regular weather reports and again at 0800,1500 and 2200 UTC, should one of the following criteria be applicable: sea state 6 or more, wind speed 50 knots or more, visibility less than 200m. These are repeated while conditions last, or until the next regular forecast takes place.
Harbourmasters’ offices broadcast weather reports in Croatian, English, German and Italian (HO Rijeka is on channel 69 for the E section of the northern Adriatic, HO Sibenik is on channel 73 for the E section of the central Adriatic, HO Split is on channel 67 for the E section of the central Adriatic, and H0 Dubrovnik is on channel 73 for the E section of the southern Adriatic).
Weather forecasts are also broadcast on television and radio stations and can be picked up in marinas. There is a good signal along the entire coast from Italian coastal stations such as Trieste, Venice, Ancona, Pescara and Bari.
You can also check the website of the Hydrological and Meteorological Service on meteo.hr or  weatheronline.co.uk .
Plovput requests all sailors to notice the importance of warnings of particular weather phenomena and inform them of local changes so that coastal radio stations can react quickly and broadcast appropriate warnings to all boats in the area.
Nowadays sailors use weather forecast applications that can be downloaded on most smart devices.

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